Alia Bhatt, a Bollywood actress, opted for a sophisticated sari in an ivory Sabyasachi drape with a matching half-sleeved blouse. The couturier shared the intricate details on Instagram, including gold embroidery on the sari and an embroidered tissue veil. Sabyasachi Heritage Jewellery’s gold jewellery included chokers, jhumkas, and bangles, featuring uncut diamonds and pearls. Alia’s hair was done in a half-up, half-down ‘do that provided the perfect backdrop for her crowning matha Patti. Puneet B Saini’s makeup artist kept the beauty look minimal, with a dewy base, softly contoured cheeks, and nude lips. Designing a wedding sari that combines elements of Alia Bhatt’s style is an exciting endeavour that allows you to infuse your individuality into your special day. By drawing inspiration from Alia’s fashion choices and combining classic and traditional elements with contemporary flair, you can create a timeless and unique sari.