
Customs Taxes

If the Goods are being ordered from outside India, import duties and taxes may be incurred once your good reach their destination. We are not responsible for such charges and we undertake to make no calculation or estimates in this regards. These charges must be paid by the recipient of the parcel. If you are buying internationally. You are advised to contact your local customs authorities for further details on costs and procedures. As the Purchaser of the goods you will also be the importer of record and as such should ensure that your purchase is in full compliance with the laws of the country into which the goods are being imported. Please be aware that goods may be inspected on arrival at the port for customs purposes and we cannot guarantee that the packaging of your goods will be free of signs of tempering. Wrong Address We will not be responsible for wrong shipping address if we do not have the correct information. Payments Policy How do I pay for a purchase? We offer you multiple payment methods. If you chose to pay online, you can rest assured that our trusted payment gateway partners always use secure encryption technology to keep your transaction details confidential. You may use Internet Banking  to make your purchase. We also accept payments made using Visa, MasterCard, Maestro and American Express credit/debit cards in India. I am being charged GST while checkout. What is GST? GST is a single tax which subsumes everything else like VAT, Excise, Entry tax etc. This is levied on every good or services and must be borne by the consumer. We do not profit in any way from these taxes. How is the GST amount decided? When you order from us, the correct GST amount will be collected from you depending on the product category and will be calculated as follows: Min. 0% – Max. 28% of net payable (MRP – product discount – coupon discount).

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